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...Daily Devotional by Malik Osemudiame Musa
-PLAYING BELIEVER simply means the intent state of an individual where stands for his Faith today then another day he goes against God's ways rev 3:16
-PLAYING BELIEVER in the KINGDOM as a true citizen is your unrelenting effort at all times to portray the an attitude being light of the world 2 Tim 1:12
-PLAYING BELIEVER is literally the scenario in a believer's life where he becomes serious with God today
then some other days he compromises tit 1:16
-PLAYING BELIEVER is an abject state of a Christian where at some point he's not able to bear the pressures and hardness of life readily 2 pet 2:21-22
-PLAYING BELIEVER in summation is the intent misrepresentation of God as an ambassador of Christ when trialed and tempted by the devil to check the measure of strength of faith in God pro 24:10
*prayerful for weeks then goes dormant in prayers
*students lawless in school then firebrand at home
*lady saying no today then giving in tomorrow
*repenting from sins then next week going back to vomit
*abstain from sex for sometime,later falling victim
*even pledging to God to deal with you but still cheat again
*stopped for a month after pruning but continued later
*very vibrant weekends then cold during weekdays
*you cut the relationship today, then later you go back to him
*studying your Bible only when told, not doing it willingly
*fasting only when there's church fasting program
*you're an usher chorister but still fornicate masturbate adulterate
*you do devotion for a week stretch, other days you stop
*for a week you were greeting elders then later you stopped
*after preached to you stop fighting insulting, days later you continue
*only by yourself will say you won't lie again but time passes,you still exaggerate lie Gossip
*confessing your sins in church on Sunday the next day still doing that same acts you confessed
CONCLUSION: yes! it's evident in this day and age that it's difficult to live uprightly, but it is very Possible by his true Grace help and power.
A true soldier of Christ is always consistent relentless and persistent in fighting the good fight of faith, the Word says in 2 Tim 2:4 "No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please Him who had chosen him to be a soldier".So beloved this is a similitude of the normal army of any nation while on the warfront because life is a battlefield any day anytime and anywhere. cute and adorable collections for a wedding
Prayer: Dear God by your Spirit enable empower and energize me to be a true soldier because am willing to serve You.
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